The Path to the Secret Garden - Part 3: God’s invitation to you requires your RSVP.

Gods Invitation to you requires your RSVP

Like any invitation you receive - you have a choice to rsvp YES or NO. And it's your choice.

Read Song of Solomon 2:10-13

This is God’s invitation right now to you!

The invitation is delicious, intriguing and deeply intimate. It's an invitation to rise up, to leave behind the mundane, the winter of your past, the rain of tears and struggle, and trust the one whose invitation describes you as His 'love and fair one'

He's inviting you into His secret garden, to share His heart and celebrate His love for you with laughter and singing!

My Response…

  • Will you choose to say and RSVP “Yes” to Him today? 

  • Take as moment and grab a piece of bread or cracker and some juice and re-read this passage again while you take Communion. What perspective change does that give you regarding His love for you, and the fact that He is beckoning you to come?

  • Grab you diary and block out time each and every day between now and conference to seek Him, spend time with Him, not praying or doing, but just being and listening.


The Path to the Secret Garden - Part 2: Curiosity and Desire.


The Path to the Secret Garden - Part 4: Search me, Test me, See me, Lead me.